
Discipleship and Church

The book 1Timothy is a book that talks about the qualifications of a church, specifically the leaders in the church.

What hit me the most about this is with regard to prayer. In chapter 2 Paul instructs Timothy and the church in what they are to be praying about, and how to pray for them. Paul says that we should pray for ALL men, specifically kings in authority. This couldn’t be more vital for today. With elections coming later this year and the tension between the United States and Muslims, this kind of prayer is needed. We are to pray for all people; so I ask you, when was the last time you prayed for the members of ISIS?

When is the last time you prayed about the fallen people of this world desiring that they would come to know Christ’s love towards them?

This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth- 1 Timothy 2:3-4 

The second thing that I enjoyed learning about is the leaders of the church. Paul goes in detail the kind of people that should be overseers and Deacons. There are 14 qualifications for overseers, and 8 qualifications for deacons. We should all strive to be leaders in our church; this doesn’t mean that we will all be pastors by any means. It was helpful to me to read through all of these qualifications and seeing where I line up and where I fall short.

Everyone should read through 1 Timothy chapter 3 and see what they can improve on and learn.

1 Timothy is a book of discipleship, leadership, and prayer.